Ronald_Yip: Moon over the Business District
Ronald_Yip: Bukom
Ronald_Yip: DSC_2562
Ronald_Yip: Dusk @ Labrador Park
Ronald_Yip: National Stadium (HDR) - by Kevin Hoo
Ronald_Yip: Stadium_IR - by Kevin Hoo
Ronald_Yip: Bukit Timah - MacRitchie Trek 20100809
Ronald_Yip: DSC_2187r
Ronald_Yip: DSC_5225r
Ronald_Yip: Superstar Virgo
Ronald_Yip: DSC_5045r
Ronald_Yip: Punggol Park Bridge (HDR)
Ronald_Yip: Ground-to-Cloud static discharge
Ronald_Yip: Ground-to-Cloud static discharge
Ronald_Yip: The different colours of the same electrical storm.
Ronald_Yip: The different colours of the same electrical storm.
Ronald_Yip: The different colours of the same electrical storm.
Ronald_Yip: The different colours of the same electrical storm.
Ronald_Yip: The different colours within the same electrical storm.
Ronald_Yip: Sentosa Gateway Bridge
Ronald_Yip: Dawn - Sun through the haze...
Ronald_Yip: "Let There Be Light!"
Ronald_Yip: Sun rays between stormy clouds
Ronald_Yip: HDR View @ Mt Batur
Ronald_Yip: HDR View @ Mt Batur
Ronald_Yip: DSC_4859
Ronald_Yip: Mt Batur
Ronald_Yip: Volcanic Rocks
Ronald_Yip: Padi Field
Ronald_Yip: Padi Field