Gail48: "A host of golden daffodils"...
Gail48: Cherry blossoms
Gail48: Early morning in the Comox Bay Marina
Gail48: The sun is just coming up.
Gail48: "There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a vacuum."...Arthur C. Clarke
Gail48: Bridge at Roosevelt Dam
Gail48: Reflections
Gail48: Reflections
Gail48: A rose by any other name.......
Gail48: Rose
Gail48: Flower of the Lophocereus Schottii or Totem Pole cactus
Gail48: Hot air balloon
Gail48: Welcome
Gail48: Here comes Peter Cottontail hopping down the bunny trail....
Gail48: Guess what
Gail48: Curve-billed Thrasher
Gail48: "I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship"...Louisa May Alcott
Gail48: Adelaide. Botonic Gardens.
Gail48: Our hibiscus obviously loves this cool, rainy weather.
Gail48: Reflection
Gail48: What lays around the bend?
Gail48: Pretty flowers
Gail48: "I can't control the wind, but I can adjust the sail." Comox, BC
Gail48: Red Mountain from Granite Reef Park, Mesa
Gail48: Gypsum Weed - Granite Reef Park
Gail48: Gypsum Weed bud - Granite Reef Park
Gail48: Granite Reef Park
Gail48: Closeup lesson
Gail48: Closeup lesson