Gail48: "It's daffodil time, so the robins all cry"...
Gail48: "A host of golden daffodils"...
Gail48: "Daffodils that come before the swallow dares, and takes the winds of March with beauty."
Gail48: "A house with daffodils in it is a house lit up, whether or no the sun be shining outside."
Gail48: Daffodowndilly has come to town, in a yellow petticoat and a green gown."
Gail48: Spring in Comox
Gail48: Spring in Comox
Gail48: We have camouflage trees in Comox.
Gail48: "As the poet said, Only God can make a tree" - probably because it's so hard to figure out how to get the bark on."...Woody Allen
Gail48: Our cherry tree
Gail48: Cherry blossoms
Gail48: Lilac buds.
Gail48: Tulip
Gail48: Tulip
Gail48: Tulip