madbodger: CK1414 and box
madbodger: Another view of the target plate
madbodger: Target plate with symbols
madbodger: The target electrode is corroded
madbodger: The pins are also corroded
madbodger: The solution to corrosion
madbodger: pins cleaned up
madbodger: target connection cleaned up
madbodger: Triangle generator
madbodger: triangle generator closeup
madbodger: Triangle wave
madbodger: Sawtooth wave
madbodger: Raster generator
madbodger: Raster
madbodger: Deflection amplifier
madbodger: Closeup of deflection amplifier
madbodger: Output of deflection amplifier
madbodger: CRT power supply
madbodger: MOSFET drive
madbodger: Measuring the high voltage
madbodger: High voltage transformer and driver
madbodger: CRT power supply
madbodger: Divider network and controls
madbodger: CRT lit
madbodger: Custom CRT power supply PCBs
madbodger: Custom deflection PCBs
madbodger: Transformer mounted
madbodger: Side view
madbodger: Transformers and boards
madbodger: Assembling custom printed circuit boards