Brian Wayfarer: Ritmos de color… raudo relieve, lisa investidura… (Zo) Y
Brian Wayfarer: LA GEOMETRÍA DE LA NATURALEZA …bella expresión de lo distinto… (Zo) Y
Brian Wayfarer: “…dame el nombre exacto de las cosas…” (Zo) Y
Brian Wayfarer: “...Paisaje de la tarde serena...” para chantefrigoule. # EXPLORE
Brian Wayfarer: “...all kinds and everything talk to me about light...” for ludi_ste # EXPLORE
Brian Wayfarer: “…If man could say what he loves...” for markku mestila # EXPLORE
Brian Wayfarer: “ in terra pax hominibus...” # FRONT PAGE OF EXPLORE
Brian Wayfarer: “...una gota de agua suspendida en el aire...” para Ricardo Chaves # EXPLORE
Brian Wayfarer: “...L'art de la rue me donne rendez-vous...” pour bit ramone # EXPLORE
Brian Wayfarer: “...spirito senza nome, indefinibile essenza...” per Carmelo 61 # EXPLORE
Brian Wayfarer: “…Ils regardent, et quand ils regardent, ils semblent être seuls…”
Brian Wayfarer: “...Arabescos de sombra azul...”
Brian Wayfarer: MI QUERIDA ESPAÑA “...Romance del prisionero...” para 2santoss # EXPLORE
Brian Wayfarer: “…Who has put him red doors to the green spring?” # EXPLORE
Brian Wayfarer: “...το παιχνίδι των μασκών...” για Carmem
Brian Wayfarer: “...le vent souffle et frappe ma fenêtre...” pour ninin's # EXPLORE
Brian Wayfarer: Imagine there´s no Heaven... for LizasGarden
Brian Wayfarer: “…the dreams that the life not yet corrupts…” for i_love_u_get_away_from_ me # EXPLORE
Brian Wayfarer: “...Autoportrait dans un musée d'art contemporain…” pour César Augusto
Brian Wayfarer: "...Con un pincel de luz cierras tus ojos..." # EXPLORE
Brian Wayfarer: "...La passionnée courbe de la nuit..." # EXPLORE
Brian Wayfarer: "...Jail of Cistercian love..." for Anuj Nair # EXPLORE
Brian Wayfarer: "...più blu che il blu alto..."
Brian Wayfarer: "...o tempora, o mores...!"
Brian Wayfarer: "...nessuno é solo..."
Brian Wayfarer: MI QUERIDA ESPAÑA. "...á la recherche du temp perdu..."
Brian Wayfarer: Γιατί αλλάζει η ενδυμασία των χρωμάτων μου;
Brian Wayfarer: "...The men have forgotten their destiny..."
Brian Wayfarer: MI QUERIDA ESPAÑA. "...carcelero, no te tardes que me muero..."