tbschlaf: Bunch hiking in the gardens
tbschlaf: Johnny hiking in the gardens
tbschlaf: Bunch and Johnny celebrating 46 years!!!
tbschlaf: View of Amtrak bridge over Anacostia
tbschlaf: Hiking in the gardens
tbschlaf: Heron poking around
tbschlaf: Did I mention 46 years?
tbschlaf: Louisa napping through the gardens
tbschlaf: View over a lake in the gardens
tbschlaf: Bunch and Johnny taking in the view
tbschlaf: Lily pads
tbschlaf: Lotus flowers
tbschlaf: Canna lilies
tbschlaf: Theresa and Louisa in front of the lotus flowers
tbschlaf: Lotus flower
tbschlaf: Frog checking out the garden