DBHKer: FMS Bar - Ipoh - 1906
DBHKer: Post Office - Ipoh - 1916
DBHKer: Railway Station - Ipoh - 1917
DBHKer: Mercantile Bank of India - Ipoh - 1931
DBHKer: Town Hall - Ipoh - 1916
DBHKer: Straits Trading Building - Ipoh - 1907
DBHKer: Church of St John the Divine - Ipoh - 1912
DBHKer: Perak Chinese Amateur Dramatic Association - Ipoh - 1938
DBHKer: Georgetown Dispensary - Ipoh - 1907
DBHKer: Anderson Primary School - Ipoh - 1909
DBHKer: Cheng Bok Bldg - Ipoh - 1930s
DBHKer: Central Police Station - Ipoh - 1910
DBHKer: Methodist Church - Ipoh - 1896
DBHKer: St John's Manse - Ipoh - 1921
DBHKer: St Michael's Church - Ipoh - 1924
DBHKer: Anglo-Chinese School - Ipoh - 1912
DBHKer: St Michael's Institution - Ipoh - 1927
DBHKer: Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus - Ipoh - 1927
DBHKer: Foo Choong Kit Mansion - Ipoh - 1926
DBHKer: Yau Tet Shin Mansion - Ipoh - 1900s
DBHKer: 'Bethshan' - Ipoh - 1920s
DBHKer: Perak River Hydro Building - Ipoh - 1930
DBHKer: Times of Malaya Building - Ipoh - 1930s
DBHKer: High Court - Ipoh - 1928
DBHKer: Cenotaph - Ipoh - 1927
DBHKer: Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China - Ipoh - 1926
DBHKer: Central Fire Station - Ipoh - 1936
DBHKer: Masonic Lodge - Ipoh - 1932
DBHKer: FMS Bar - Ipoh - 1906
DBHKer: St Andrew's Church - Ipoh - 1929