Wandering Images: Look Beneath The Folds Of A Rose And Into The World That The Gardener Knows
Wandering Images: Grandma's Climbing Rose
Wandering Images: A Beauty Amongst The Weeds
Wandering Images: A Walk Through Rose Canyon
Wandering Images: Ageless Beauty
Wandering Images: Holland America Tulips in Woodland Washington Pinhole
Wandering Images: tulipfilmback
Wandering Images: Backlit Azalea
Wandering Images: Sunflower and Stonehenge
Wandering Images: Bursting Out
Wandering Images: Variety of color in a monoculture
Wandering Images: Tip Toe Through The Tulips
Wandering Images: Weisingers Winery
Wandering Images: homegrown Dahlia
Wandering Images: Dahlias 030
Wandering Images: Dahlias 031
Wandering Images: Dahlias 022
Wandering Images: The Bloom Is Off The Rose
Wandering Images: I'm Suffering From An Overexposure To Dahlias!
Wandering Images: Bee Happy, Now Everybody Back On Their Heads!
Wandering Images: Dewey Abstract
Wandering Images: Every Shape, Size, And Color.
Wandering Images: Don't Dilly Dahlia
Wandering Images: What Have We Here?