richardasplen: The Art of Fishing
richardasplen: What's this about a smoking ban; Huh !
richardasplen: Another
richardasplen: Henry Fielding
richardasplen: Bunyun's 'Pilgrims Progress' 1876 edition.
richardasplen: John Gay 'Fables.' Second Series. 'The Bear in a boat.'
richardasplen: John Gay 'Fables.' Second Series. 'Pan and Fortune.'
richardasplen: John Gay 'Fables.' Second Series. 'The Jackal,Leopard,and other Beasts.'
richardasplen: John Gay 'Fables.' Second Series. 'Plutus,Cupid,and Time.'
richardasplen: John Gay 'Fables.' Second Series. 'The Owl,the Swan,the Cock,the Spider,the Ass,and the Farmer.'