Myth Image:
Myth Image:
Odysseus and Euryclea, by Christian Gottlob Heyne
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'Circe' 1889. Wright Barker
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Ulysses and the Sirens. (detail)
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Odysseus and Circe, 1786
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The Return of Odysseus, Claude Lorrain, 1644.
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The Return of Odysseus
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The Laistrygonians bombard Odysseus' ships. Fresco from a house in Rome 1 BC Vatican Library, Rom
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Reconstitution of the world described by the Odyssey
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Odysseus at the palace of Alkinoös. Painting by Francesco Hayez
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Odysseus and the Sirens by John William Waterhouse
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Odysseus and his companions blinding the Kyklops Polyphemos. Odyssey Book 9 | Large amphora, c.520
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Odysseus and Nausicaä by Charles Gleyre.
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Odysseus and Nausicaa.
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Ulysses and the Sirens. Roman, artist unknown. 3rd century A.D. Musée du Bardo, Tunis, Tunisia.
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Mapa de Grecia na Idade de Bronce como se describe na Ilíada de Homero
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Herakles, who wears the skin of the Nemean lion, attacking the flesh-eating Stymphalian birds with a sling: Amphora from Vulci, c.550 BC
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Hera unveiling herself to Zeus_ Temple of Hera at Selinus, ca 470-460 BC.
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Helen elopes with Paris Theban Vase Painting 8th century BCE
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Fragmento Papiro Ilíada
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Colossal Head of Zeus | Fragment from a seat cult statue, 2nd century BC.
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Circe by John William Waterhouse, 1849-1917.
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Circe Offering the Cup to Ulysses- John William Waterhouse 1891
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Circe | The unhappy Greeks turned into swine
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Achilles bandages the arm of his friend, Patroclus.
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An oil lamp, showing the Greek hero Odysseus passing along the Sirens.
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Ajax carrega o corpo de Aquiles nos ombros, protegido por Hermes (à esquerda) e Atena (à direita)
Myth Image:
Aiolos gives Odysseus the bag of winds 17th century etching Theodor van Thulden (1606 - 1669) Fin
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Aeneas escapes from Troy with father, Anchises, and son, Ascanius.