cohodas208c: Pulling out of Gare St. Lazare
cohodas208c: Outside Gare St. Lazare
cohodas208c: At the Vernon-Giverny Station
cohodas208c: World War II Memorial at the Rouen Train Station
cohodas208c: Robert Savary Murals at the Rouen Station
cohodas208c: Rouen Rive Droite station
cohodas208c: Gare de Rouen - detail
cohodas208c: Gare de Rouen - (Rouen Rive Droite)
cohodas208c: St. Romain Church
cohodas208c: Credit du Nord
cohodas208c: Rouen "Donjon"
cohodas208c: Rouen Castle, founded in the 13th C.
cohodas208c: Saint Godard Church
cohodas208c: Saint Godard Church
cohodas208c: St. Godard Church
cohodas208c: 20230304_140742
cohodas208c: 20230304_140838
cohodas208c: 20230304_140930
cohodas208c: 20230304_140940
cohodas208c: 20230304_140831
cohodas208c: Musee Le Secq de Tournelles
cohodas208c: "Bibliothèque municipale et patrimoniale Villon"
cohodas208c: Musee des Beaux Arts
cohodas208c: Alexander Calder mobile
cohodas208c: Entrance to the Fine Arts Museum
cohodas208c: Apartments of Rue Jeanne d'Arc
cohodas208c: Caryatids
cohodas208c: Elegant Bookstore
cohodas208c: Palais de Justice
cohodas208c: War damage