billeuph: Common Tern
billeuph: Common Tern
billeuph: Puffin near Eastern Egg Rock
billeuph: Puffin near Eastern Egg Rock
billeuph: Three Puffins flying near Eastern Egg Rock
billeuph: Puffin near Eastern Egg Rock
billeuph: Puffin near Eastern Egg Rock
billeuph: Arctic Tern
billeuph: Two young bald eagles
billeuph: Two young bald eagles
billeuph: White-winged scoter
billeuph: White-winged Scoter
billeuph: Hairy Woodpecker
billeuph: Hairy Woodpecker
billeuph: Dragonfly on a Lady Slipper
billeuph: Pitcher Plant
billeuph: Scarlet Tanager
billeuph: Scarlet Tanager
billeuph: Black-and-white Warbler
billeuph: Common Yellowthroat
billeuph: Common Yellowthroat
billeuph: Male Bobolink
billeuph: Female Bobolink
billeuph: Female Bobolink
billeuph: Laughing Gull
billeuph: Returning to Hog Island on the Snow Goose III
billeuph: Returning to Hog Island on the Snow Goose III
billeuph: Returning to Hog Island on the Snow Goose III