ethel and edna: Our pool
ethel and edna: Marriott Hotel
ethel and edna: No it's not Nicky!
ethel and edna: Lovely face
ethel and edna: View from Tam Tams rooftop
ethel and edna: Shuffle forward
ethel and edna: Ready for launch
ethel and edna: Going down...
ethel and edna: Emerging diver
ethel and edna: Jack Fish Alley
ethel and edna: Approaching Jackson reef
ethel and edna: I just saw dolphins
ethel and edna: Snorkelling Kiddie
ethel and edna: Return to Naama
ethel and edna: Kid in action
ethel and edna: ...up...
ethel and edna: ...up...
ethel and edna: ... and away!
ethel and edna: Arty diver
ethel and edna: Clownfish at home