LellePelle: Broken frozen hearts finally find the glow of life 080306
LellePelle: Forgot to turn the flash off... so nice to feel the sun warming up my back
LellePelle: Am I lost here 080403
LellePelle: Some days of our lives end in a wonderful warm light and atmosphere... Nu är det gott att leva på en sommardag...
LellePelle: Daisy is back...She returns over and over again!
LellePelle: I have no more words...
LellePelle: Natural Abstraction 080419
LellePelle: Många bollar i luften...Konsten att jonglera..."The art of multitasking"..."The skill of juggling"
LellePelle: Come Fly With Me 080306
LellePelle: Signs of Spring 080312
LellePelle: A boat called Maria waiting for her lover and A day in May 070507
LellePelle: Den allra första tittar ut till slut och säger God Dag... full av smör... The very first looks out at last and says Hello... full of butter
LellePelle: What is there more to say...?
LellePelle: Haha LördagsGodis mums mums... Hehe Goodies yummie... For topher@mill 080419
LellePelle: Feeling fine... once upon a time 070427
LellePelle: The violets came just in time for the appleblossom...
LellePelle: Please do not forget me!
LellePelle: Is this what love is about? 080326
LellePelle: What is dream? What is real? Reflecting upon the Mystery of Life 080316
LellePelle: Tecknar sig mot skyn 080306
LellePelle: Hey hey, this is my day and I can do what I want!
LellePelle: Soon it's time for the windflowers to expose their beauty in the sun. 070411
LellePelle: Min skål är fylld av sommarens dofter och 100 dagar av ljus och sol... My bowl is filled with the fragrances of the summer and 100 days of sun and light...
LellePelle: The steams "hover" in the zone of heat and cold. 060122
LellePelle: Lilac abstraction/reflection...I syrénernas tid...I gullregnens månad...Reflecting upon love and the short time the bloom of the lilacs lasts...In the atmosphere of Monet
LellePelle: Also a perfect day has a sunset...Även en perfekt dag har en solnedgång...
LellePelle: Hey... wait for me!
LellePelle: A tribute to Gustaf Fjaestad, the master of the rime 060122
LellePelle: Wood wood wood, a little lake and someone is swimming 070805
LellePelle: Magical light