**Aina** mostly off: old stonefence
**Aina** mostly off: in the middle
**Aina** mostly off: can you see me?
**Aina** mostly off: old stonefence in Noway
**Aina** mostly off: do you like me?
**Aina** mostly off: just soft and gentle
**Aina** mostly off: its a sunny pink morning
**Aina** mostly off: blue stamen
**Aina** mostly off: playing with orchids
**Aina** mostly off: Small blue beauty
**Aina** mostly off: playing with tulips 1
**Aina** mostly off: ONE TULIP = A LOT OF FUN
**Aina** mostly off: withered but still spreading life
**Aina** mostly off: JUST A RAINDROP
**Aina** mostly off: winter colours
**Aina** mostly off: TULIP IN A DROP
**Aina** mostly off: IT IS TIME FOR TULIPS
**Aina** mostly off: just a detail
**Aina** mostly off: SEEKING THE LIGHT