james.marchington: CA ice block
james.marchington: Aerial view of the CLA Game Fair
james.marchington: Lead Ammunition Group
james.marchington: Rebecca shooting
james.marchington: Rebecca getting some coaching
james.marchington: Shooting a B Rizzini
james.marchington: Me shooting a Rizzini
james.marchington: Me shooting a Rizzini
james.marchington: Sporting Shooter stand in Gunmakers' Row
james.marchington: Game Fair car park - can you spot yours?
james.marchington: Game Fair seen from the sky
james.marchington: Game Fair seen from the sky (with notes)
james.marchington: Game Fair seen from the sky
james.marchington: Helicopter over the Game Fair
james.marchington: Game Fair helicopter
james.marchington: cla-gf-plan
james.marchington: cla-gf-site