bodyinmotion: My daughter Jillian. Explore May 8th. #251
bodyinmotion: Music ... gentle on her mind
bodyinmotion: into the first Explore. Thanks so much!
bodyinmotion: Pearls...Explore! Muchas gracias!
bodyinmotion: girls and diamonds
bodyinmotion: new haircuts are such fun!
bodyinmotion: She still needs a little help in the wind...
bodyinmotion: All good things are wild, and free.” Henry David Thoreau
bodyinmotion: Jillian
bodyinmotion: Jillian's Trilliums...
bodyinmotion: Logic is in the eyes of the Logician:)
bodyinmotion: Have you ever sat on a white chair in a Green river?
bodyinmotion: 15 minutes until ~showtime~ ...
bodyinmotion: ~The Lightness of Being~
bodyinmotion: Fall into autumn...or love...or down the stairs; no wait~~ :)
bodyinmotion: I'm going to miss my artistic little sprite... she's spending the summer with her brother, many miles away.
bodyinmotion: ~~~Body..Angles~~~
bodyinmotion: ~~ Mando - lines ~~
bodyinmotion: Girl Power <3
bodyinmotion: To tree or not to tree.....that is the question.
bodyinmotion: J ~ Balance... I
bodyinmotion: Bring it on.
bodyinmotion: I. Miss. My. Flickr. Friends...
bodyinmotion: I know I'm an acquired taste: I'm anchovies. And not everyone wants those hairy little things. If I was potato chips, I could go more places. -Tori Amos
bodyinmotion: Never, never, never give up. ~Winston Churchill
bodyinmotion: "A few said they'd be horses. Most said they'd be some sort of cat. My friend said she'd like to come back as a porcupine. I don't like crowds, she said. " — Brian Andreas
bodyinmotion: Just for grins...I've always wondered why Barbie #3 got to keep her clothes on:)
bodyinmotion: Jillian ~ I feel like she is the reward for everything I did right in this life.
bodyinmotion: Senses ...
bodyinmotion: Jillian