.......C@SE !: (on explore) A barrel as a buoy. Vinkeveense Plassen, The Netherlands
.......C@SE !: ( on explore);Vinkeveen Netherlands "Endearing Encounter of Eras: Old Drawbridge, Boat, and Majestic Tree"
.......C@SE !: (On explore) "Celestial Message from the Agora: Calatrava's Architecture in Dialogue with the Sky"
.......C@SE !: (on explore) "Stairway Sherpas of Science: Ascending to the Summit of Museo de las Ciencias Valencia"
.......C@SE !: (On Explore) "Mont Saint-Michel: Impending Storm above the Abbey, as if the Sky is Having Second Thoughts"
.......C@SE !: (On explore) Waterland Gate
.......C@SE !: (On explore) Impressive cumulonimbus reflection on my car roof