mag2003...: St Margaret the Queen, Buxted, East Sussex circa 1230
mag2003...: St Margaret the Queen Buxted, East Sussex circa 1230
mag2003...: St Margaret the Queen Buxted, East Sussex circa 1230
mag2003...: White flowers.. St Margaret the Queen Buxted, East Sussex circa 1230
mag2003...: The Nave St Margaret the Queen, Buxted, East Sussex circa 1230
mag2003...: Home made marmalade and jams ! ... St Margaret the Queen Buxted, East Sussex circa 1230... we found some vegetables inside the porch to help yourself and some pretty cards and pots of marmalade and jam inside..we of course left a donation
mag2003...: St John’s church, Coolhurst..we had an evening here with the Art Society sketching and painting
mag2003...: St John’s church, Coolhurst
mag2003...: St John’s church, Coolhurst
mag2003...: St John’s church, Coolhurst