mag2003...: burning bush...
mag2003...: out of the forest...
mag2003...: knock knock..who's there...
mag2003...: Nymans...
mag2003...: before the rain..
mag2003...: Nymans..
mag2003...: Nymans....
mag2003...: Nymans..
mag2003...: Nymans...
mag2003...: longer shadows..
mag2003...: the seat...
mag2003...: more than a touch of blue..
mag2003...: the dovecot..
mag2003...: leafy doorway..
mag2003...: february snowdrops
mag2003...: Magnolia lovely
mag2003...: Nesting time
mag2003...: Nesting time
mag2003...: Singing his heart out...happy robin !
mag2003...: Singing his heart out...happy robin !
mag2003...: Nymans..beautiful weekend..sunnier than Spain !
mag2003...: Nymans..beautiful weekend..sunnier than Spain !
mag2003...: Autumn at Nymans...trees changing beautiful colours
mag2003...: Doorway into Nymans...pretty path and flowers
mag2003...: ..behind the granddaughter April
mag2003...: ..looking at the fallen experience ..loving Autumn !
mag2003...: Sunflowers at Nymans gardens
mag2003...: After a wet morning, the afternoon was sunny and just right for a walk