creationsbyrachel: Sneaky Peeky 2
creationsbyrachel: Sneaky Peeky 3
creationsbyrachel: 3x6 Bee - Hive 14 1Qtr.- Sneak Peek!
creationsbyrachel: Stacked and ready to package up
creationsbyrachel: {Made} for the 3x6 Bee 4th Qtr.
creationsbyrachel: {Made} for the 3x6 Bee 4th Qtr.
creationsbyrachel: For imalisawork
creationsbyrachel: For melissa.leray
creationsbyrachel: For neetermo
creationsbyrachel: For Lucends
creationsbyrachel: For be13cca
creationsbyrachel: For Shazza59
creationsbyrachel: 3x6 Bee, 3rd Qtr. Hive 10 Received
creationsbyrachel: 3x6 Bee - Hive 10 {Made}
creationsbyrachel: 3x6 Bee - Hive 10 {Made}
creationsbyrachel: 3x6 Bee - Hive 10 {Made}
creationsbyrachel: 3x6 Bee - Hive 10 {Made}
creationsbyrachel: 3x6 Bee - Hive 10 {Made}
creationsbyrachel: 3x6 Bee - Hive 10 {Made}
creationsbyrachel: 3x6 Bee - Hive 10 3rd Qtr. {Made}
creationsbyrachel: 3x6 Bee {Received} 2nd Qtr
creationsbyrachel: Blocks made for 3x6 bee 2nd Qtr.
creationsbyrachel: 3x6 Bee {Received} 2nd Qtr
creationsbyrachel: Sneaky Peeky 1
creationsbyrachel: 3x6/4x5 Bee Inspiration - 2nd/3rd Qtr. 2011
creationsbyrachel: 1st Qtr. 2011 Received (Beehive 14)
creationsbyrachel: For nanabanana720
creationsbyrachel: 1st Qtr. 2011 Blocks - 3x6 Bee
creationsbyrachel: For blueblossomgirl