Bob Garrard: Aerial Refueling Moth Style
Bob Garrard: With refueling probe (proboscis) retracted it's off to the next flower.
Bob Garrard: Boardwalk Bison at Yellowstine National Park
Bob Garrard: "King of the Road"
Bob Garrard: Wildlife Encounter - Custer State Park, South Dakota
Bob Garrard: "Wait for me, Mom" Custer State Park, South Dakota
Bob Garrard: Pronghorn Antelope Pair - Custer State Park, South Dakota
Bob Garrard: B-1RD Raptors in Air to Air Combat
Bob Garrard: Good Morning Sunshine
Bob Garrard: Got anything to eat in there?
Bob Garrard: Proud Birds at the Proud Bird
Bob Garrard: Who's Watching Who at the Zoo?
Bob Garrard: A Common Raven "Corvus corax" in Utah
Bob Garrard: Carry-out lunch from McBug
Bob Garrard: "Intense"
Bob Garrard: Siberian Lynx
Bob Garrard: Loggerhead Shrike
Bob Garrard: "Hey Buddy, you gotta a spare peanut?"
Bob Garrard: "Sharing"
Bob Garrard: "On Alert"
Bob Garrard: The Dominant Buck Pronghorn Antelope
Bob Garrard: Reflection
Bob Garrard: Clark's Nutcracker
Bob Garrard: Bull Elk at Yellowstone National Park
Bob Garrard: Bull Bison at Yellowstone National Park
Bob Garrard: Moose Mug Shot
Bob Garrard: Wild Horse - Theodore Roosevelt National Park
Bob Garrard: When you have an itch....
Bob Garrard: Crow dining in the Proud Bird parking lot.
Bob Garrard: 2012 Pelican Olympics