a splash of sparkle: hair bobbles
a splash of sparkle: girls hair set
a splash of sparkle: butterfly tote
a splash of sparkle: birthday banner
a splash of sparkle: cotton bowl
a splash of sparkle: scrappy bowl
a splash of sparkle: fabric flowers
a splash of sparkle: fabric brooch
a splash of sparkle: lace ribbon brooches
a splash of sparkle: pink ribbon brooches
a splash of sparkle: sea and stones April 2013
a splash of sparkle: Beach April 2013
a splash of sparkle: fabric bird wall hanging
a splash of sparkle: handmade moth
a splash of sparkle: butterfly brooch
a splash of sparkle: christmas crafts
a splash of sparkle: first attempt and dressmaking
a splash of sparkle: ladybird. june 2012
a splash of sparkle: sketchbook jan 2013 (10)
a splash of sparkle: sketchbook jan 2013 (11)
a splash of sparkle: sketchbook jan 2013 (12)