letslookupandsmile: London Visitors Mrs Anthony Tryon in shaded silk and the Countess of Pembroke in purple and silver
letslookupandsmile: 'Mrs Shirley Barnett took second prize'
letslookupandsmile: Arriving for the 21st dinner dance are Elisabeth Funder and Ken Milne
letslookupandsmile: Co-exhibitors Anne Mercer and Maurice Aladjuem welcomed guests to The Workshop, Malvern, for an opening of painting and pottery
letslookupandsmile: Libby Howell was a guest at a party given by Mr and Mrs P D McGill
letslookupandsmile: Mr and Mrs George Hutchison were among the audience at the new Total Theatre..
letslookupandsmile: Mrs McKenzie's dress, a Pucci, was printed in a pretty design of flowers and butterflies
letslookupandsmile: Mrs Pat Clementson of Capricorn Estates..
letslookupandsmile: Mrs Helen Mullinger wore a domed crown beret
letslookupandsmile: Admiring a painting by Bill McSwain..
letslookupandsmile: Mrs Noreen Neal and Mrs Richard Vereker were smartly dressed
letslookupandsmile: Mrs Dean Davies wore a yellow lace trimmed calico evening dress, matching scarf and beaded jewellery.
letslookupandsmile: Peta Oxer was a guest at the annual dinner dance held by members of the Avant Garde Committee at the Menzies Hotel
letslookupandsmile: His wife's injured arm - in plaster after an accident - was not planned for the occasion
letslookupandsmile: Mr and Mrs Jonathan Cecil, who were among the 4000 guests at garden party givenby the Governor, Sir Rohan Delacombe and Lady Delacombe
letslookupandsmile: Mrs Earl wore a long-line check suit and Mrs Mclean chose a pink check dress and jacket
letslookupandsmile: 'Mrs Kym Bonython wore a New Guinea tribesman's mask and an animal printed silk dress'
letslookupandsmile: Mr and Mrs Tony Richardson at The Sunday Painters Exhibition