Deadbeatdad: After a long, bumpy ride, out of seemingly nowhere is Chaaya Blu
Deadbeatdad: Dave taking immediate advantage of the free wi-fi (rare in Sri Lanka!)
Deadbeatdad: Night swimming
Deadbeatdad: Staff meeting prior to dinner at the main restaurant
Deadbeatdad: Chaaya Blu is 4 miles north of Trincomalee, the capital of the Eastern province (abutting the Northern province, where much of Sri Lanka's deadly civil war played out.)
Deadbeatdad: Sunset
Deadbeatdad: IMG_9649
Deadbeatdad: IMG_9650
Deadbeatdad: IMG_9671
Deadbeatdad: Line fishermen pulling in the morning's catch
Deadbeatdad: IMG_9687
Deadbeatdad: Fresh fish, the old-fashioned (and more sustainable) way
Deadbeatdad: Uppuveli beach--more people working instead of playing