Deadbeatdad: At the disco in Denmark
Deadbeatdad: Marimekko window shopping
Deadbeatdad: Fußball (or table football as they call it here)
Deadbeatdad: Danmarks Journalisthøjskole
Deadbeatdad: Lecture room
Deadbeatdad: Jigme from Bhutan
Deadbeatdad: Artwork in the Nobelsalen classroom
Deadbeatdad: Classroom in the Nobelsalen
Deadbeatdad: Aarhus City Hall lobby
Deadbeatdad: Climbing up the Aarhus City Hall clock tower
Deadbeatdad: Gruppe Sex
Deadbeatdad: Having juice in a Trøjborg garden
Deadbeatdad: Chinese lunch
Deadbeatdad: Thursday night communal dinner
Deadbeatdad: A globalized meal
Deadbeatdad: Glutinous rice balls with red bean paste
Deadbeatdad: Danes (and Fuchun) Wielding Chopsticks. Look out!
Deadbeatdad: Another urban chameleon
Deadbeatdad: Danish beach
Deadbeatdad: Scott surveys the beach
Deadbeatdad: A compound by the beach
Deadbeatdad: Starfish as far as the eye can see
Deadbeatdad: Francis Fukuyama Lecture
Deadbeatdad: Lecture Hall
Deadbeatdad: Crashing the party (wine and...sandwiches)
Deadbeatdad: Hands (nobody looks suspicious)
Deadbeatdad: A quick peek over the railing