Abby flat-coat:
not yet dessert, but not long
Abby flat-coat:
limes from our tree
Abby flat-coat:
Beilstein: apfel strudel
Abby flat-coat:
... taken fast before she stirred it.
Abby flat-coat:
end of jack-o-lantern, beginning of soup
Abby flat-coat:
carrots - 3
Abby flat-coat:
carrots - 2
Abby flat-coat:
carrots - 1
Abby flat-coat:
Sweeper & rambutans, Indonesia ~1982
Abby flat-coat:
14 mmmm
Abby flat-coat:
Sunday she chose a yellow breakfast.
Abby flat-coat:
oh, the calories!
Abby flat-coat:
6 The stack, minus one
Abby flat-coat:
colorful comfort "food" from home
Abby flat-coat:
mmm Brussels chocolate oranges
Abby flat-coat:
chocolate memories carried back home
Abby flat-coat:
Chef delighting in torching our dessert.
Abby flat-coat:
Basked Alaska to feed 25
Abby flat-coat:
fried pickles !!!
Abby flat-coat:
oysters Rockefeller at Antoine's
Abby flat-coat:
Trarbach lunch: apple strudel
Abby flat-coat:
lunch on the roof-top terrace
Abby flat-coat:
chef Rose's tiramisu
Abby flat-coat:
KC's food in morning sun
Abby flat-coat:
soup for lunch
Abby flat-coat:
decorated dinner
Abby flat-coat:
decorated first course
Abby flat-coat:
mmmm - shortbread!
Abby flat-coat:
sky candy
Abby flat-coat:
Allsorts -- mmm licorice