Abby flat-coat:
next step - overview in small plane
Abby flat-coat:
long drive ahead on gravel roads
Abby flat-coat:
not velvet dice
Abby flat-coat:
slow rusting
Abby flat-coat:
room with a view
Abby flat-coat:
from the doorway
Abby flat-coat:
field of grass
Abby flat-coat:
Desert Air, about to take off
Abby flat-coat:
our pilot
Abby flat-coat:
tarred road in the national park
Abby flat-coat:
where dunes meet the Atlantic
Abby flat-coat:
flying low over Namibia dunes
Abby flat-coat:
Swiss photographer
Abby flat-coat:
our plane is very small
Abby flat-coat:
Abby flat-coat:
Abby flat-coat:
travelling companion
Abby flat-coat:
sundowners by the pile of rocks
Abby flat-coat:
a very plain sunset
Abby flat-coat:
dunes in the distance
Abby flat-coat:
cold morning, start of Day 2
Abby flat-coat:
getting closer
Abby flat-coat:
these sandals aren't made for sand
Abby flat-coat:
earth, sand, and sky