Abby flat-coat:
five forks - B&W
Abby flat-coat:
three forks
Abby flat-coat:
five forks
Abby flat-coat:
multiple shadows of table and chairs
Abby flat-coat:
Oops -- who's that in the picture?
Abby flat-coat:
table shadows & Abby
Abby flat-coat:
light on a lamp
Abby flat-coat:
five forks
Abby flat-coat:
reflected glass table
Abby flat-coat:
incandescent bathroom
Abby flat-coat:
flourescent bathroom
Abby flat-coat:
corner of the corner bathroom
Abby flat-coat:
cloudy glass
Abby flat-coat:
morning in Florida
Abby flat-coat:
hard to pick up
Abby flat-coat:
It was full 3 days ago.
Abby flat-coat:
the last 5 - which shall I have first?
Abby flat-coat:
allsorts: only 5 left
Abby flat-coat:
blue bird
Abby flat-coat:
luminous Lalique
Abby flat-coat:
Abby flat-coat:
Florence glass beads
Abby flat-coat:
beads last longer than wine
Abby flat-coat:
Abby flat-coat:
lighting the shell hanging
Abby flat-coat:
lighting the macrame
Abby flat-coat:
asian flavor
Abby flat-coat:
evening shadows
Abby flat-coat:
bird and shadowy friend