cvanstane: Onward, through the fog...
cvanstane: Glover's Imperial Mange Medicine Bottle......
cvanstane: Large old bottle
cvanstane: Been diggin' bottles again!
cvanstane: Old fridge
cvanstane: Field of dreams
cvanstane: Whiskey runner grill
cvanstane: Rock dwelling
cvanstane: Out West
cvanstane: Pasture art
cvanstane: Old whiskey barrels
cvanstane: A room with a view
cvanstane: Model Seventeen
cvanstane: Mirror image
cvanstane: Lake chains
cvanstane: Waste not, want not....
cvanstane: Harvest time once again
cvanstane: It must be time...
cvanstane: Missin' the cabin
cvanstane: The question isnt who is going to let me.....
cvanstane: Press on! A better fate awaits thee -- Victor Hugo
cvanstane: Croquet anyone?