third bird: staffy love
third bird: poochy mama
third bird: so shiney!
third bird: pleease
third bird: a face only a mother can love
third bird: but reading is hard work
third bird: xena likes this book too
third bird: in her bono fido get up
third bird: yoda dog!!!
third bird: aunty love
third bird: chucking a tanty
third bird: saving grace
third bird: asleep
third bird: xena likes it
third bird: xena....
third bird: [insert VERY loud snoring]
third bird: [insert VERY loud snoring]
third bird: aunty love
third bird: aunty love
third bird: one black staffy, a river and a sunny day
third bird: one black staffy, a river and a sunny day
third bird: one black staffy, a river and a sunny day
third bird: one black staffy, a river and a sunny day
third bird: one black staffy, a river and a sunny day
third bird: one black staffy, a river and a sunny day
third bird: one black staffy, a river and a sunny day
third bird: one black staffy, a river and a sunny day
third bird: one black staffy, a river and a sunny day
third bird: one black staffy, a river and a sunny day