jfrank7588: disco christmas
jfrank7588: cookies
jfrank7588: sis and cousins
jfrank7588: Grandma and Mom
jfrank7588: Nut Cracker
jfrank7588: Prescott
jfrank7588: Me and Dad
jfrank7588: Lights
jfrank7588: Mail in the snow
jfrank7588: ribbon
jfrank7588: snow bench
jfrank7588: Atlantic Ave. Marblehead
jfrank7588: Under better than ideal conditions
jfrank7588: ho ho ho
jfrank7588: caught up in the holday sprit
jfrank7588: reflections
jfrank7588: hanging
jfrank7588: holiday reflections
jfrank7588: treet topper
jfrank7588: Billy and Bailey
jfrank7588: Grandma and mom
jfrank7588: Lynds
jfrank7588: specs
jfrank7588: Lynds and Bailey
jfrank7588: Mr. P
jfrank7588: the Bunnn
jfrank7588: Lauren and Bunnn
jfrank7588: IMG_4964
jfrank7588: IMG_4955
jfrank7588: IMG_4949