whack_wraps: the trio. pointing at tongues. like usual.
whack_wraps: me & D, pre-drunk.
whack_wraps: me & my boy, rocking the poet hat.
whack_wraps: christmas memories...
whack_wraps: my boy and mrs. lego dinosaurs boy becoming friends...
whack_wraps: The fake out!! The perfectly positioned nuk!
whack_wraps: seth, the nerdy beaver
whack_wraps: IMG_0515
whack_wraps: IMG_0514
whack_wraps: IMG_0513
whack_wraps: IMG_0511
whack_wraps: IMG_0360
whack_wraps: IMG_0359
whack_wraps: IMG_0358
whack_wraps: IMG_0356
whack_wraps: IMG_0306