MarsW: Transport at The Pyramids
MarsW: My new mate at The Pyramids.
MarsW: A sample of life at The Pyramids of Giza, Egypt....if you have time read the Tags!!
MarsW: The Great Sphinx of Egypt with the 3 Giza Pyramids as a backdrop.....Explore #410
MarsW: Contrasting Cultures at the Pyramids of Egypt.......Explore #343
MarsW: Time for a gossip in the Desert....or perhaps it's a rap over the knuckles!......Explore#180
MarsW: Water Tower of the Summer Palace of King Farouk, Egypt.......Explore #402
MarsW: East meets West at the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt
MarsW: Hi-Ho The Pyramids of Egypt - with the city of Cairo in the background
MarsW: Mussenden Temple.....Moody in Mono!