try08: -all by myself-
try08: The street for walking
try08: T banen
try08: T banen
try08: The Volvo is a safe and heavy car.
try08: Sagene,Oslo
try08: How the water also behave..
try08: The time before all is going green
try08: movement 4
try08: movement 3
try08: movement 2
try08: movement 1
try08: Photoshop
try08: Athletics work.
try08: Five elements
try08: Always something..
try08: Just waiting...
try08: Hope it stops.
try08: To much power and sound.
try08: Watch your steps.
try08: Back to everyday life again
try08: Happy for doing what they like.
try08: After the second day at school
try08: In the graveyard
try08: We are
try08: My everyday