bcg~art: morninglory
bcg~art: RedDoor
bcg~art: chartreuse salvia
bcg~art: mahonia
bcg~art: quietly tired and still
bcg~art: the blue that can't be captured
bcg~art: baptisia in latelight
bcg~art: single white flower, with a bleeding red heart
bcg~art: sage
bcg~art: lilac
bcg~art: clematis
bcg~art: blue lobelia
bcg~art: backlit
bcg~art: foxglove II
bcg~art: now, in bloom!
bcg~art: closer
bcg~art: persistence
bcg~art: the evil interloper, that I so love
bcg~art: caracalla, reprise
bcg~art: encircling
bcg~art: Max with the blues
bcg~art: morning glories take over
bcg~art: blue salvia with bug
bcg~art: blue glory
bcg~art: wisteria
bcg~art: trumpeting an early spring
bcg~art: salvia!
bcg~art: rainy day
bcg~art: reaching to the sun
bcg~art: blue cheer