Greg_Weir: San Diego Convention Center
Greg_Weir: Local restaurants getting into the theme
Greg_Weir: Local restaurants getting into the theme
Greg_Weir: Local restaurants getting into the theme
Greg_Weir: Local restaurants getting into the theme
Greg_Weir: Costume outside the Convention Center
Greg_Weir: Media at ComicCon
Greg_Weir: On the way up
Greg_Weir: ComicCon sign
Greg_Weir: Hall costume
Greg_Weir: Marion Ravenwood and Indiana Jones
Greg_Weir: Hall costumes
Greg_Weir: Dead Pool
Greg_Weir: Sail area of Convention Center
Greg_Weir: Sail area of Convention Center
Greg_Weir: Hall Costumes
Greg_Weir: ST:TOS crew member
Greg_Weir: Lou Ferrigno
Greg_Weir: ComicCon banner
Greg_Weir: WALL-E made out of Legos
Greg_Weir: Classic Enterprise bridge made out of Legos
Greg_Weir: Batman and Robin
Greg_Weir: Hall costumes
Greg_Weir: Dealers room
Greg_Weir: Batgirl and Robin (female version)
Greg_Weir: Firefly prototype
Greg_Weir: Dealers room
Greg_Weir: Princess Leia
Greg_Weir: Kildanny
Greg_Weir: 1940s Captain America and Dead Pool