Greg_Weir: Marty and me at Comiccon
Greg_Weir: Ghostbusters
Greg_Weir: Ghostbusters
Greg_Weir: Ghostbusters
Greg_Weir: Ghostbusters
Greg_Weir: Hall costumes
Greg_Weir: Dealers room
Greg_Weir: Marty with Emily (from Corpse Bride)
Greg_Weir: Superman, Catwoman, Robin and Batman
Greg_Weir: ST:TOS tricorder
Greg_Weir: ST:TOS tricorder
Greg_Weir: ST:TOS tricorder
Greg_Weir: ST:TNG tricorder
Greg_Weir: ST:TNG tricorder
Greg_Weir: Violet Parr from "The Incredibles"
Greg_Weir: Violet Parr from "The Incredibles"
Greg_Weir: Stan Lee
Greg_Weir: Victor and Emily figurines from "Corpse Bride "
Greg_Weir: Emily and Victor figurines from "Corpse Bride"
Greg_Weir: Victoria figurines from "Corpse Bride"
Greg_Weir: Elder Gutknecht figurine from "Corpse Bride"
Greg_Weir: Emily figurine from "Corpse Bride"
Greg_Weir: Scraps figurine from "Corpse Bride"
Greg_Weir: Gold Lightan toy
Greg_Weir: Tinkerbell figurine
Greg_Weir: Mutts figurine collection
Greg_Weir: Krypto, Streaky and Bathound figurines
Greg_Weir: Sean Baker, Seth Green and Dan Milano from "Greg The Bunny"
Greg_Weir: Sean Baker, co-creator of "Greg The Bunny"
Greg_Weir: Sean Baker and Seth Green from "Greg The Bunny"