Greg_Weir: Entrance to the San Diego Aerospace Museum with Star Trek Banner
Greg_Weir: Entrance to exhibit
Greg_Weir: Space...the final frontier
Greg_Weir: Sign in Klingonese
Greg_Weir: Sign in Vulcan
Greg_Weir: Enterprise A
Greg_Weir: U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A
Greg_Weir: U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A
Greg_Weir: U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A
Greg_Weir: U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A
Greg_Weir: Ships of the Fleet
Greg_Weir: ST Enterprise costume
Greg_Weir: Alien Head
Greg_Weir: ST Enterprise Props
Greg_Weir: ST:TOS Enterprise
Greg_Weir: ST:TOS U.S.S. Enterprise ship's plaque
Greg_Weir: Spock's station
Greg_Weir: Uhura's station
Greg_Weir: Scotty's station
Greg_Weir: Scotty's Station (detail)
Greg_Weir: Scotty's Station (detail)
Greg_Weir: ST:TOS Helm Station
Greg_Weir: ST:TOS Center display
Greg_Weir: ST:TOS Navigation station
Greg_Weir: ST:TOS Captain's chair
Greg_Weir: Kirk's uniform
Greg_Weir: Spock's uniform
Greg_Weir: Dr. McCoy's uniform
Greg_Weir: Scotty's uniform from ST:TOS
Greg_Weir: Uhura's uniform from ST:TOS