chrys goote: Taraxicum galactica :-)
chrys goote: Survivor
chrys goote: Wild pepper girls
chrys goote: True blue
chrys goote: A hint of poppy
chrys goote: Walk the line
chrys goote: Circling the abyss
chrys goote: Drifting
chrys goote: Equanimity
chrys goote: Cape Scabious
chrys goote: Aloe macro
chrys goote: Allo Aloe
chrys goote: Death rattle
chrys goote: Smoke gets in your eyes
chrys goote: Spiderwort
chrys goote: Scabiosa seed head
chrys goote: Heavenly Bamboo
chrys goote: Death rattle
chrys goote: Bird magnet
chrys goote: Rose Mallow
chrys goote: Gone to seed
chrys goote: Tibouchina calyces
chrys goote: Unforgettable
chrys goote: Drought-resistant beauty
chrys goote: Unfolding