chrys goote: Taraxicum galactica :-)
chrys goote: Hanging by a thread
chrys goote: A hint of poppy
chrys goote: Poppy galaxy
chrys goote: Circling the abyss
chrys goote: Drifting
chrys goote: Is it a bird? is it a plane?
chrys goote: Aloe macro
chrys goote: Green crates
chrys goote: Caffeine fix
chrys goote: Splotch
chrys goote: Thorny issue
chrys goote: The colour of spring
chrys goote: Barbed & dangerous
chrys goote: Bamboo tunnel
chrys goote: Seeing colours
chrys goote: Boomerang stamens
chrys goote: Warped
chrys goote: Vine Waves
chrys goote: Softly softly
chrys goote: Let it rain
chrys goote: Alternating
chrys goote: Emerging
chrys goote: Non toccare
chrys goote: Camellia in pinks
chrys goote: Ruffles
chrys goote: I am a mystery
chrys goote: Straightforward