t5wu: DSC06089
t5wu: DSC06088
t5wu: DSC06087
t5wu: DSC06085
t5wu: DSC05916
t5wu: DSC05914
t5wu: DSC04055
t5wu: DSC04054
t5wu: DSC04053
t5wu: DSC04052
t5wu: DSC04051
t5wu: DSC04023
t5wu: DSC04022
t5wu: n122611037_37873499_5311
t5wu: DSC03439
t5wu: revel8 ktp
t5wu: DSC03424
t5wu: DSC03421
t5wu: My eeepc 701, 4gb w/ eeebuntu
t5wu: DSC03248
t5wu: Scratch on Arrow pad
t5wu: DSC03245
t5wu: the scratch is on the invisible shield
t5wu: the scratch is on the invisible shield