Mark Walder: SafariLand
MeatNoSauce: Scrubs up well
Mathias Laurent: Ad Infinitum
Lisa Lush 02: I think that's a great perspective
artumercury: ♛1026♛
maka_orionsl: " Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn."
maka_orionsl: " In the middle of difficulty lies oppurtunity."
maka_orionsl: " Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows."
maka_orionsl: " I exist as i am, that is enough."
maka_orionsl: " City life is millions of people being lonesome together."
Trish Hendes: Nobody...
₦ɆØ₦ ĐɆ₥Ø₦: You’re No Jesus Christ ⛓️
Steph [D]: Code 286
vito chicone: Perfect Way To End The Day
Sebhinio Resident: Et si .......
isabella.woodrunner: ♡ Աʂ ♡
Beulah Bee: New boot goofin’
Beulah Bee: Everyone but you has a dance partner? Animesh Dancer Knight to the rescue!
bladesizzler: Stallion
NorthernIceGod: Coming Clean
MeatNoSauce: tripping
Wayne Wheatcliffe: - Never before -
aliya Ashton: Kindred