ibsut: Tidal lagoon - low tide, no rain
ibsut: Tidal lagoon
ibsut: tidal lagoon
ibsut: tidal lagoon
ibsut: bolga & magpie geese
ibsut: Wet season waders
ibsut: We go that way?
ibsut: Wet season 'fresh'
ibsut: A harmless snake - 'I only eat frogs'
ibsut: Watch your step!
ibsut: Even for Old Blokes
ibsut: A fresh water channel
ibsut: Looking 'upstream'
ibsut: No dangers here?
ibsut: Hundreds of water birds!
ibsut: The Port Authority is determined to destroy this!
ibsut: Who in their right mind would want to destroy this?
ibsut: Eco-tourism
ibsut: Great flocks of magpie geese
ibsut: Residents fight port expansion
ibsut: Anyone for polo?
ibsut: Protest for Wetlands
ibsut: Red-capped Plover (Charadrius ruficapillus)
ibsut: Lapwing & the rare Burdekin duck
ibsut: Rainbow birds are common
ibsut: The pelican is a regular visitor
ibsut: Royal spoonbills visit
ibsut: Black-winged Stilt
ibsut: Black-winged Stilt and others
ibsut: Mudskippers downstream