Crazy Kernow:
Springtime at Rochester.*
Crazy Kernow:
Castle Bloom's*
Crazy Kernow:
Buoy's and Boat's*
Crazy Kernow:
Crazy Kernow:
Redwood and Wriggley Tin.
Crazy Kernow:
My Place of Work
Crazy Kernow:
Rope's Boat's and Chains*
Crazy Kernow:
She'd have liked it here.*
Crazy Kernow:
Bush Bus
Crazy Kernow:
Oast so tired*
Crazy Kernow:
Spirit and Decay
Crazy Kernow:
Crazy Kernow:
After Tea
Crazy Kernow:
Weathered Warehouse
Crazy Kernow:
Arch view*
Crazy Kernow:
Reflections of Scotney*
Crazy Kernow:
Don't come any closer*
Crazy Kernow:
Bird of Prey
Crazy Kernow:
Priory Pews
Crazy Kernow:
The Big Sleep
Crazy Kernow:
Ightham mote1
Crazy Kernow:
Doorway to the Past
Crazy Kernow:
motehouse Ightham
Crazy Kernow:
Springtime@Scotney Castle
Crazy Kernow:
Crazy Kernow:
Guinness *
Crazy Kernow:
Scotney Castle *
Crazy Kernow:
Cathedral Door
Crazy Kernow:
Artist at Work *
Crazy Kernow:
Sunset and Snow