Winter Bicycles: Making narrow tips work with wider blades.
Winter Bicycles: Just out of soak
Winter Bicycles: Brushed off and ready to roll
Winter Bicycles: Mighty MAX
Winter Bicycles: Glassy eyed
Winter Bicycles: Time to bring the heat
Winter Bicycles: Hotchata
Winter Bicycles: MAX fillets in the making
Winter Bicycles: MAX BB fillet
Winter Bicycles: Flippyfloo
Winter Bicycles: Shaping up
Winter Bicycles: Roughing in
Winter Bicycles: Another view showing some of those MAX shapes.
Winter Bicycles: Biggish tubes
Winter Bicycles: Fair well , old friend! This box has safely made many a trip to and from the shop over the years. Today it leaves us for the last time headed back to the great Northwest.