John W Little: Late spring afternoon, Sierra Foothills, CA.
John W Little: Tuffy seat
John W Little: Lichen and manzanita
John W Little: California buckeye, fallen leaves
John W Little: Manzanita bark
John W Little: Seed plumes of mountain mahogany
John W Little: Seed head of twining brodiaea
John W Little: Sidalcea diploscypha, fringed checkerbloom, Sierra foothills
John W Little: Umbel of umbels
John W Little: Summer colors
John W Little: Leafing out
John W Little: End of the storm, end of the day
John W Little: Stumphenge
John W Little: Twisty tree
John W Little: Woodland sunset
John W Little: Fawn triptych
John W Little: Branching patterns
John W Little: Filaments in the sky
John W Little: Patches of blue
John W Little: Summer sunset, Sierra foothills, CA
John W Little: Summer sunset
John W Little: Pillar of light
John W Little: Ripples in the sky
John W Little: Where there's fire, there's smoke
John W Little: Blaze of glory
John W Little: Waiting for better days
John W Little: Leaves of California Buckeye
John W Little: Mutual aid society