John W Little: California buckeye, Sierra Nevada foothills
John W Little: Dudleya cymosa or live-forever
John W Little: Sidalcea diploscypha, fringed checkerbloom, Sierra foothills
John W Little: Seed pod of Calochortus albus or fairy lantern
John W Little: Woodland star
John W Little: California Indian Pink
John W Little: Huge flower or tiny grasshopper?
John W Little: Maltese cross in pink
John W Little: Red Hills soap plant
John W Little: Shooting star, Yosemite
John W Little: Lukens Lake and shooting stars, Yosemite
John W Little: Umbel of umbels
John W Little: Assassin bug dining in Mariposa Lily
John W Little: Mariposa lily
John W Little: Calochortus venustus--unusual stippled pattern
John W Little: Mutant Calochortus leichtlinii
John W Little: Calochortus leichtlinii
John W Little: Three-point attachment
John W Little: Lavender lily
John W Little: Hibiscus denudatus--Wolcott Peak, west of Tucson
John W Little: Desert Mariposa Lily
John W Little: Not poppies
John W Little: Calochortus luteus--3.jpg
John W Little: Lantern thicket
John W Little: Lantern field
John W Little: Small leopard lily (Lilium parvum)
John W Little: Western azalea in a bed of ferns
John W Little: Hybrid columbine