John W Little: Leaving Blacktail Canyon
John W Little: Down the river
John W Little: Amphitheatre
John W Little: Our turn is next
John W Little: Grand day in the Grand Canyon
John W Little: Schist and quartz veins, Grand Canyon
John W Little: Blocks and barrels
John W Little: Hakatai shale, Grand Canyon
John W Little: Spiral yucca spike
John W Little: Boulder detail, Grand Canyon
John W Little: Grand Canyon boulder
John W Little: Grand Canyon trail
John W Little: Majestic Redwall
John W Little: Wellspring of life
John W Little: Sun and rain, Grand Canyon
John W Little: Double rainbow, Grand Canyon
John W Little: Cutting a slot canyon
John W Little: Deer Creek
John W Little: Boats at Deer Creek
John W Little: Toes in the water
John W Little: Art by The River
John W Little: Sculpted limestone
John W Little: Havasu Creek
John W Little: Polished limestone
John W Little: Cliffs and ledges, Grand Canyon
John W Little: Blocks, Grand Canyon
John W Little: Light and shadow on the cliffs
John W Little: A glimpse of the rim
John W Little: Standing waves at the head of the rapid
John W Little: Sunny morning in Grand Canyon