Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": On way to the show; Taking 3 preserved buses to St Christopher’s Hospice Show, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": Marshalling in; a wonderful array of classic vehicles in this scene, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": Blue and Yellow Flower Posie for RF255 MLL 792, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": St Christopher’s Hospice Show, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": RF255 MLL 792 sits in the sun, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": Green Rovers, period advertising for London Transport Country Area, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": Let Yourself Go, period advertising for London Transport Country Area, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": Women Conductors, period advertising for London Transport, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": Bonnet Up, GS15 MXX 315, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": GS15 MXX 315, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": TGM2 BU04 UTP and RH1 C501 DYM, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": Sprinter BU04 UTP and RH1 C501 DYM, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": A Little Tank, XVS 317, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": One of my favourites, Ford Popular 901 EWL, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": Hello Dolly, D381 NEX, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": "Bessie" WHO 1, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": WHO 1 controls, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": WHO 1 rear, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": WHO 1 (TRT 805) John Pertwee "Bessie" Car, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": Rover SD1 Police "squad" car, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": Trio return to the farm, 21st September 2014.
Tom "ROUNDABOUT Bus Preservation": RH1 C501 DYM and RF255 MLL 792, 21st September 2014.